
Citizen’s Participation

Chandigarh Administration has instituted a consultative process, as broad based as possible, involving people with varied expertise and experience in specialized subjects in public affairs so that aspirations of all sections of the society are reflected in governmental decisions. These initiatives have successfully given a sense of participation to citizens in decision making processes making them seamless and transparent.

Chandigarh Perspective

With a view to have equal participation of the eminent experts in preserving the basic character of the city and also to carry forward the work of Le Corbusier, Chandigarh Perspective has been formed with the following objectives:

  1. To undertake, organize and facilitate, Conferences, Seminars, Lectures, Exhibitions, Expositions, research etc. connected with Architecture & Planning of Chandigarh.
  2. To study and research the works of Le Corbusier and other architects associated with Urban Planning and Architecture in Chandigarh.
  3. To study and discuss the issues of Planning and built from with reference to Chandigarh
  4. To document and publish the works relating to Planning & Architecture of Chandigarh.
  5. To issue appeals and applications for money and funds in furtherance of the said objects and to accept gifts, donations and subscriptions of cash and securities and of any property either movable or immovable.
  6. To invest and deal with funds and moneys of the society and to vary, alter or to transpose such investments from time to time.
  7. To associate, cooperate and affiliate with other institutions bodies and societies with similar objects.