

Sukhna Lake is the main water source for fisheries in Chandigarh. The Lake, together with other water resources, adds up to about 266 hectares where fish-farming can be taken up.
The Fisheries Department Fish-seed Farm just off Sukhna Lake produces 6.5 lakh fish seed annually. These fish are stocked in Sukhna Lake, and in village ponds and ponds formed by check dams built by the Forest Department. In 1996 the department began producing fish-seed of ornamental species. These are sold to hobbyists.

A number of extension and training programmes are conducted every year. Mainly they are for rural people, but some programmes are also conducted for people interested in keeping aquarium fish as as hobby or in angling. The department conducts an annual Angling Competition at Sukhna Lake.

A small laboratory has been set up to analyse soil and water samples. The department also helps researchers of the Punjab University Zoology Department.