

Primary responsibilities of this department include all matters relating to Finance and Planning, also Excise and Taxation including sales tax. This Secretary is also the Chief Administrator of the Capital Project.

The department is headed by the Joint Secretary, Finance. The UT Finance and Planning Officer holds additional charge as Examiner Local Fund Accounts and directly mans the office. A team of 19 other auditors assists him.

This Department functions under the Punjab Municipal Corporation Act as extended to the Union Territory, the Punjab University Act and the Local Bodies Act.Certain local funds are required by law to be examined by this department. The department also audits accounts assigned to it under subordinate legislation or by administrative order. It audits the accounts of the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation, the Market Committee, the State Agricultural Marketing Board, educational institutions, Zila Parishad and Panchayat Samitis, 19 Gram Panchayats, the Institute for Mentally Retarded Children and the Housing Development Agency of the Punjab Engineering College.