
Forests & Wild Life

Chief Conservator of Forests & Chief Wild Life Warden is the Head of the Department. Deputy Conservator of Forests is the Head of Office and Drawing & Disbursing Officer. There are two posts of Deputy Conservator of Forests viz. Deputy Conservator of Forests [Wildlife] & Deputy Conservator of Forests [Botanical Garden & Nature Reserve & Director, Minor Minerals]. There are two posts of Sub Divisional Soil Conservation Officers [gazetted], 2 Range Officers, 1 Deputy Ranger, 12 Foresters and 15 Forest Guards. The total strength of the department including Ministerial staff is 50.

Forest Area

Total forest area in U.T.Chandigarh is 3245.30 hectares as shown in the following table :-

  1. Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary – 2610.99
  2. Lake Reserves Forest – 105.57
  3. Sukhna Cho Reserve Forest – 387.12
  4. Patiali-ki-Rao forests – 136.19
  5. Forest area at Brick kiln Manimajra – 5.53
  6. Total – 3245.30

The Department is taking up multifarious activities for improving the green cover of U.T. Chandigarh, preserving and protecting the Wildlife, creating awareness among the people of Chandigarh about the protection of flora and fauna & preservation & restoration of bio-diversity. To increase green cover in U.T. Chandigarh, “Annual Greening Chandigarh Action Plan” is being prepared and released for implementation by all greening departments.

Green Cover of UT Chandigarh

As per India State of Forest Report – 2015 (ISFR) released by Forest Survey of India (FSI), the forest cover in U.T. Chandigarh is 48.03 and another 09 area is under tree cover. Thus, the total green cover (Forest cover + tree cover) of Chandigarh as per ISFR-2015 is 57.03 which form 40.73% of its total geographical area.

The Schemes of the department and their objectives are as under:-

  • Forest Conservation & Development

The main objective of this scheme is to reduce the silt inflow to Sukhna lake by carrying out various kinds of soil conservation works. The works like construction of silt retension dams, masonry check dams, spurs/revetments, desiltation of dams, construction of grade stabilizers, planting of live-hedge and opening of choe bed etc. are being undertaken under this scheme.

  • Plantation Scheme

The main objective of this scheme is to provide a carpet of vegetation in open patches/hill tops to reduce soil erosion by planting/sowing of seeds. Plants raised in the newly acquired land as well as the southern Sectors are also being maintained. The works like plantation, patch-sowing & installation of chain link fencing etc. are being undertaken under this scheme.

  • Greening of City Beautiful

The main objective of this scheme is to raise plantation in and around city to provide pollution free environment to the people of the city beautiful. Mixed plantations raised in southern sectors along Vikas Marg are also being maintained under this scheme. Saplings are distributed during all working days between 9 AM to 5 PM.

Chain link fencing are being provided around forest area to avoid encroachment. The works like Biodiversity enrichment plantation in Lake Reserve Forest, Patiala-ki-Rao & Sukhna choe forests and removal of lantana-parthenium in forest area are being undertaken. Apart from maintaining Lake reserve forest, Sukhna choe reserve forest and Patiala-ki-Rao forests, department is maintaining plantations over 100 hactares of land in southern sectors & brick kiln area.

  • Communication and Building

The main aim of the scheme is to provide easy access to forest area for the effective check on forest offences, control on Forest Fires, maintenance works and to maintain the staff quarters and Rest house/Inspection hut, jeepable roads and causeway etc.

  • Preservation of Wildlife

The main aim of this scheme is to protect, preserve and propagate the wildlife of the area by creating & improving natural habitats and promoting water facilities by constructing water holes, provision of salt licks etc. In addition to this, the department is maintaining two animal rescue centres in Nepli and Kansal area. Animals are treated here and being released in the sanctuary area. To increase mobility of the staff and for effective implementation of the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act,1972, communication network is being developed. The works like raising of water holes, suppression of lantana/ pathenium etc. are being undertaken. Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary is free from the menace of lantana.

  • Establishment of Botanical Garden

Chandigarh Administration has established a Botanical Garden near village Sarangpur, Lahora and Dhanas. The total land acquired for the establishment of Botanical Garden is 176 acres. The works like raising & maintenance of nursery, raising of plantations (new), raising of shrubs, creation of lawns, land leveling, construction of check dams etc. has been undertaken. The following Sections have been developed in the Botanical Garden and other features to promote eco-tourism. This Botanical Garden has been opened for public on 2nd January, 2007.